Sunday, February 22, 2009


David is my computer man because i dont know much about computers and the bolg David when you get a chance will you help me get the video of the talent show on this blog and help me put some of my favorite sites on there pppprrrrreeeettttttttttttyyyyyyyy ppppppllllllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you,

jordan lea/soccer player not computer girl!!!!

Some of my Favorite Animals!!!!!!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Betty Ward's B-day

Happy birthday to my aunt Betty ward. Her birthday was on Valentine's day i no that has to be fun because you can have a lot of fun when your birthday is on Valentine's you get hearts and love. So David when you see Betty ward say ELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a happy birthday to her!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


My outfit came in today it is cute. I am wearing a blue jean jacket, blue jean skirt, hannah montana shirt, and leggings. I know cute right! Well I am a tom boy but i do dress up everynow and then!! So like my whole family is coming. Mimi, McKenzie, Justin, Mama, Big Prissy and Anna Catherine. I hope nanny b. and them can go i know mckenzie is coming david needs to come so he can tape me because i want yall to see it because it is going to be funny. I hope I can get Granny Pat to come and my cousin i will be happy! it will make me fill like a star i guess well david will post the video when he gets up so see ya when it happens.

P.S. i am very new to this so i have a computer person (DAVID) so thank you and bye bye

love ya, bye bye

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I WON!!!!

In the science fair I won 3rd place. It was amazing. I was so exsited me ashlee,and carley all won 3rd place so that cool to me. My best friends winning the same place.But i am sad for the people in my class that did not place but i thought that they did good. Pictures of the medal and the ribbon will follow tomorrow. tired going to bed!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

My horrible day

My horrible day started when i got to school. We were going to change seats but then i got put by someone who gets on your last nerve. i dont have to sit by him any more so that was one good news but we did not get to go to the science lab today so that was the worst part of my day. i do not no why but all i no is that it was awful. tomorrow i hope that my teacher will be in a good mood because i want to sit by my friends we might talk a lot but mybe she will let us but i will have a good day tomorrow .

david the mascote of the steelers

David came to my house last night to watch the steelers play but i hate to be mean but i do not like the steelers it is like there name just says it all so david i think you need to be on the team because they could use a mascote david would be a good one.i watch football sometimes but david is funny when it comes to football i mean he is like jumping up and down so well you can t help that he is in love with football but the steelers are his favorite team so that is the funny football mascote david .

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Matt and McKenzie

what can i say mckenzie and matt are so funny mckenzie loves to make up new dance and when she comes over to my house she shows me and we do it.Now matt is the light of the day he is the funnest everytime david says ELLO!!!!!!!!!!!! then matt says it well all i no is that he and mckenzie are so funny when it comes to jordan's house so they are the best .